Friday, June 19, 2015

Copy changeup at The Garrigan !yman Group

Dear co!!eagues and under!ings,

As you may or may not be aware, there has been a change in !eadership in the copy department. How'd we get to this point? It's rea!!y an issue of priorities. !ets take a !ook at the copywriting team:

  • Shya: Dude hasn't showed up on a Friday in...we!! I don't know !ong.
  • Greg: Greg apparent!y woke up one morning and said, "I'd be more comfortab!e in Factoria. I'm Greg Oberst. I'!! just do wherever I want. Myah, myah myah." Typica! Greg.
  • Graeme: Graeme thought that it was more important to pitch Babo!at in person, regard!ess of how many !urches he's !eft peop!e in. Whatever, dude.
  • Darren: Can you be!ieve this guy chose a fishing trip in Utah over being here...ok, nevermind--that excuse is pretty ste!!ar.
Even Deb Hoffmann is out today. So that !eaves us with a huge portion of the G!G wordsmiths either unwi!!ing or unab!e to step up to the p!ate. Who wi!! fi!! the !eadership vacuum, you ask?


Ca!m the he!! down...I've got this.

I'm ready to hit the ground running. Starting immediate!y, you can expect the fo!!owing changes:

  • If you see me in the ha!!s, p!ease use the fu!! tit!e I recent!y awarded myse!f (you can find it in my emai! signature be!ow.) 
  • We wi!! begin a!! c!ient-facing creative reviews with the fo!!owing statement: "Ok, !et's start with the copy and, if there's time at the end, we'!! take a !ook at the pretty !itt!e pictures."
  • I've a!ways fe!t that there hasn't been enough excitement in the copy here. Starting today, in a!! correspondence, p!ease rep!ace every instance of the twe!fth !etter of the a!phabet (common!y referred to as "!") with an exc!amation point. Take that, Reifschneider.
I !ook forward to working over a!! of you!

Acting Executive Vice President of Copywriting, Grammar, Spe!!ing, and Punctua!itude./big red boss

The Garrigan !yman Group



  1. Oh, C!iff! So g!ad to see you have everything under contro!!!!!!!

  2. You guys are going p!aces. Nice sucking-up!

  3. The name, as it appears next to your photo, disp!ays the 12th character of the a!phabet in it's origina! form. Im very disappointed, C!iff, or whomever you are.

  4. The name, as it appears next to your photo, disp!ays the 12th character of the a!phabet in it's origina! form. Im very disappointed, C!iff, or whomever you are.

  5. The name, as it appears next to your photo, disp!ays the 12th character of the a!phabet in it's origina! form. Im very disappointed, C!iff, or whomever you are.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I appreciate your comments, Annette. I'd guess I'd have to say that the art of !eadership requires a person to know when to break the ru!es. If this doesn't make sense, don't worry: you kinda have to be an Acting Executive Vice President of Copywriting, Grammar, Spe!!ing, and Punctua!itude to understand.
