Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mid-morning update

Congratulations are in order for a few positions:

Debora Hoffman: Director of Charter Membership

Nina Hickey: Director of Insight

Drew Branstetter and Ed Oullette: Personal Executive Administrative Assistant (Esquire)….I accidentally gave the position to both of them. Work it out amongst yourselves, boys (I’m thinking some sort of Hunger Games situation.)

Greg Oberst: VP of Initiative

Norene Sandifer: 7th level Magic User

Jeremy McKenzie: 7th level Assistant to the Senior Production Manager / Magic User

Niki Lavoy: VP of Strateginal Scaling Optimization

Carmela Fortin: Dirhector of Elizondo

Doctor I: Mayor of Funkytown

Bill Holmes: Grand High Puba of Snackington (Overseer of all things snack related.)

Jean Zartman: Chairman of Keeping All Things Good (we really needed  experience in the CoKATG position)

Couple of other pieces of business:

Good on Bill  and Jean for coming up with your own job titles. That’s real Grand High Puba behavior, right there. What’s going on, the rest of you? You want the  gold ring, you've got pull it out of the bull's nose. Am I right or am I right?

Be sure to check out the newly named LK Lounge, situated at the corner of Kelli and Elektra. Just waiting on that sign, Levi. Way to GO FOR IT!

Thanks to Rory, Torsten, Cynthia, Kurt, Joe, and Doctor I for the great pics.

Darren, Norene, and some others are working on a leadership exercise as we speak. What are YOU doing to impress me?

Also, remember everybody: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS JOB 1!
Join the conversation!
Being a manager is wicked easy.

Il Douché

Time-travelin' like a BOSS!

Throwback Thursday

Yup. This exists.

Feel like an idiot that I didn't bring my suspenders. Live and learn

Doing what I do best.

Pic courtesy of Doctor I (this was his entry for the Mayor of FunkyTown position)
Whatever the heck this is. (Thanks, Doctor I, for keeping it weird.)



  1. Bottom pic: that's the M of FT on the right. My first mayoral decree: everybody who likes the funk shall go listen to this:

  2. I see an alarming lack of hashtags in this post.

    1. #bestblogever, #cliffforpresident, #purpleisthenewblack, #whydoesthekitchensmelllikefish

    2. #bestwednesdayever

    3. #nowit'samidmorningupdate!

    4. #YoureRightEdHashtagsARESoHotRightNow

    5. #ThisIsTheBestBlogEverHolly #WontDecideOnPresidencyRunUntil2016 #PurpleJustAteBlackForBreakfast #ItsProbablyThatFishOdorComingFromTheKitch

    6. #BestWednesdayEverCheckingWithGuinessBookOfWorldRecordsNowNiki #ScottAndTonyAreActuallyBothDisneyCharacters #EveryoneLovesGettingTheirSpellingCorrected #ProofreaderBusyBeingDirectorOfCharterMembership

    7. #MorningUpdateIsInConsiderationToGetPickedUpByMSBC #FingersCrossed #PutAllTheSpecialCharactersYouWantThisAintTwitter

    8. #WhoDoesn'tLoveHavingTheirTyposPointedOutInRed?
      Another vote for #BestWednesdayEver!

    9. #ProofreadersAreSecretlySadists #ImPicturingYouAsSortOfaJulieFromTheLoveBoat #BestWednesdayEverVotesNowUpTo4OrIsItFourICanNeverRemember

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So, to be clear: Quality, job one. Customer satisfaction, job two.

  5. Just got a frantic email from our safety officer. New Order: Safety is job one, followed by quality at number 2 and customer service at job 3. Carry on.

  6. Our Director of Charter Membership just wrote: Isn't #greatworkasalifestyle job one at GLG? It must encompass quality, customer service & no particular order.

    1. Ok, so Great Work As Lifestyle is job one; if there were subjobs, they'd run Safety, quality, and customer service. And responsiveness. Dang it. Would responsiveness be above safety? #Heavy is the head the wears the crown.
